Sunday, March 28, 2010

Climb for Air

About a month and a half ago, I signed up to participate in a Climb for Clean Air, which is a race put on by the American Lung Association.  The race consists of running up 68 flights (34 floors) of stairs.

How the race works is people start up the stairs in 20 second intervals.  As I stood in line waiting I began to get nervous.  I had never done with sort of race before.  Then, I was reminded why I was doing it.
This is a write-up on my Nonno, who passed away from lung cancer 11 years ago.  The fact that it was next to me in the hallway right as I was having doubt was a sign to me...I could do it!!

My time for the 68 flights of stairs was about 13 minutes.  I was gasping for air and dizzy by then end, but it felt great by the end!  My official time will come in tomorrow.

The wedding we attended last night was amazing.  SO much food.  I was a bad blogger and didn't take pictures but I had some delicious stuffed shrimp and Personal Trainer Josh enjoyed filet mignon.  I will leave you with a pic of us from the wedding.


  1. That must have been so emotional! I ran my first 5K in honor of my grandmother, and I cried so much at the end!

    your nanno would have been so proud!
